Thursday, 14 February 2013

A unexploded bomb is recovered .

An additional item:-  Unexploded Bomb

Earlier in my account, I reported on the first bombing raid, when a flight of German aircraft dropped bombs in the region of Sevenoaks Brickworks, this must have been pre-1940, or early 1940.

We saw the bombs falling, and assumed that they were attacking the brickworks, but I would have thought that the Gasworks, and Gasometer might have been more inviting targets, or perhaps the Maidstone, Sevenoaks, London, rail junction near Otford.

Ed  Thompson of the Otford Historical Society has come across this photograph:-
Which shows a bomb being recovered from one of the extraction lakes.   It may be possible to establish exactly when it fell from the ARP wardens reports, which are housed at the KCC archives.  Although it may  well have come from another raid, who knows.

I wonder if it is still ticking?